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fasttransforms.h is the main header file for FastTransforms. More...
#include <cblas.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include "tdc.h"
#include <mpfr.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | ft_mpfr_triangular_banded |
struct | ft_harmonic_plan |
Data structure to store ft_rotation_plans, arrays to represent 1D orthogonal polynomial transforms and their inverses, and Greek parameters. More... | |
struct | ft_spin_harmonic_plan |
Data structure to store a ft_spin_rotation_plan, and various arrays to represent 1D orthogonal polynomial transforms. More... | |
struct | ft_sphere_fftw_plan |
struct | ft_triangle_fftw_plan |
struct | ft_tetrahedron_fftw_plan |
struct | ft_disk_fftw_plan |
struct | ft_annulus_fftw_plan |
struct | ft_rectdisk_fftw_plan |
struct | ft_spinsphere_fftw_plan |
struct | ft_gradient_plan |
struct | ft_helmholtzhodge_plan |
struct | ft_orthogonal_transformation |
A static struct to store an orthogonal matrix \(Q \in \mathbb{R}^{3\times3}\), such that \(Q^\top Q = I\). \(Q\) has column-major storage. More... | |
struct | ft_ZYZR |
Every orthogonal matrix \(Q \in \mathbb{R}^{3\times3}\) can be decomposed as a product of \(ZYZ\) Euler angles and, if necessary, a reflection \(R\) about the \(xy\)-plane. More... | |
struct | ft_reflection |
A static struct to store a reflection about the plane \(w\cdot x = 0\) in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). More... | |
struct | ft_partial_sph_isometry_plan |
struct | ft_sph_isometry_plan |
Macros | |
#define | FT_GET_THREAD_NUM() |
#define | FT_GET_NUM_THREADS() |
#define | FT_GET_MAX_THREADS() |
#define | FT_SET_NUM_THREADS(x) |
#define | FT_CONCAT(prefix, name, suffix) |
#define | FT_SN (1U << 0) |
#define | FT_CN (1U << 1) |
#define | FT_DN (1U << 2) |
#define | FT_MODIFIED_NMAX (1U << 30) |
Functions | |
void | ft_horner (const int n, const double *c, const int incc, const int m, double *x, double *f) |
void | ft_hornerf (const int n, const float *c, const int incc, const int m, float *x, float *f) |
void | ft_clenshaw (const int n, const double *c, const int incc, const int m, double *x, double *f) |
void | ft_clenshawf (const int n, const float *c, const int incc, const int m, float *x, float *f) |
void | ft_orthogonal_polynomial_clenshaw (const int n, const double *c, const int incc, const double *A, const double *B, const double *C, const int m, double *x, double *phi0, double *f) |
void | ft_orthogonal_polynomial_clenshawf (const int n, const float *c, const int incc, const float *A, const float *B, const float *C, const int m, float *x, float *phi0, float *f) |
void | ft_eigen_eval (const int n, const double *c, const int incc, const double *A, const double *B, const double *C, const int m, double *x, const int sign, double *f) |
void | ft_eigen_evalf (const int n, const float *c, const int incc, const float *A, const float *B, const float *C, const int m, float *x, const int sign, float *f) |
void | ft_eigen_evall (const int n, const long double *c, const int incc, const long double *A, const long double *B, const long double *C, const int m, long double *x, const int sign, long double *f) |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_legendre_to_chebyshev (const int normleg, const int normcheb, const int n) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions: | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_chebyshev_to_legendre (const int normcheb, const int normleg, const int n) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Chebyshev and Legendre polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions: | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_ultraspherical (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const double lambda, const double mu) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between ultraspherical polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions: | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_jacobi_to_jacobi (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const double alpha, const double beta, const double gamma, const double delta) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Jacobi polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions: | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_laguerre_to_laguerre (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const double alpha, const double beta) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Laguerre polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions: | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_jacobi_to_ultraspherical (const int normjac, const int normultra, const int n, const double alpha, const double beta, const double lambda) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Jacobi and ultraspherical polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions: | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_jacobi (const int normultra, const int normjac, const int n, const double lambda, const double alpha, const double beta) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between ultraspherical and Jacobi polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions: | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_jacobi_to_chebyshev (const int normjac, const int normcheb, const int n, const double alpha, const double beta) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Jacobi and Chebyshev polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions: | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_chebyshev_to_jacobi (const int normcheb, const int normjac, const int n, const double alpha, const double beta) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Chebyshev and Jacobi polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions: | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_chebyshev (const int normultra, const int normcheb, const int n, const double lambda) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between ultraspherical and Chebyshev polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions: | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_chebyshev_to_ultraspherical (const int normcheb, const int normultra, const int n, const double lambda) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Chebyshev and ultraspherical polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions: | |
ft_btb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_associated_jacobi_to_jacobi (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const int c, const double alpha, const double beta, const double gamma, const double delta) |
ft_btb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_associated_laguerre_to_laguerre (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const int c, const double alpha, const double beta) |
ft_btb_eigen_FMM * | ft_plan_associated_hermite_to_hermite (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const int c) |
ft_modified_plan * | ft_plan_modified_jacobi_to_jacobi (const int n, const double alpha, const double beta, const int nu, const double *u, const int nv, const double *v, const int verbose) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between modified Jacobi polynomials, orthonormal with respect to a rationally modified weight and orthonormal Jacobi polynomials. The rational function is expressed as a ratio of orthonormal Jacobi polynomial expansions: | |
ft_modified_plan * | ft_plan_modified_laguerre_to_laguerre (const int n, const double alpha, const int nu, const double *u, const int nv, const double *v, const int verbose) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between modified Laguerre polynomials, orthonormal with respect to a rationally modified weight and orthonormal Laguerre polynomials. The rational function is expressed as a ratio of orthonormal Laguerre polynomial expansions: | |
ft_modified_plan * | ft_plan_modified_hermite_to_hermite (const int n, const int nu, const double *u, const int nv, const double *v, const int verbose) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between modified Hermite polynomials, orthonormal with respect to a rationally modified weight and orthonormal Hermite polynomials. The rational function is expressed as a ratio of orthonormal Hermite polynomial expansions: | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_legendre_to_chebyshevf (const int normleg, const int normcheb, const int n) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_legendre_to_chebyshev. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_chebyshev_to_legendref (const int normcheb, const int normleg, const int n) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_chebyshev_to_legendre. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_ultrasphericalf (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const float lambda, const float mu) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_ultraspherical. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_jacobi_to_jacobif (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const float alpha, const float beta, const float gamma, const float delta) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_jacobi_to_jacobi. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_laguerre_to_laguerref (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const float alpha, const float beta) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_laguerre_to_laguerre. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_jacobi_to_ultrasphericalf (const int normjac, const int normultra, const int n, const float alpha, const float beta, const float lambda) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_jacobi_to_ultraspherical. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_jacobif (const int normultra, const int normjac, const int n, const float lambda, const float alpha, const float beta) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_jacobi. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_jacobi_to_chebyshevf (const int normjac, const int normcheb, const int n, const float alpha, const float beta) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_jacobi_to_chebyshev. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_chebyshev_to_jacobif (const int normcheb, const int normjac, const int n, const float alpha, const float beta) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_chebyshev_to_jacobi. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_chebyshevf (const int normultra, const int normcheb, const int n, const float lambda) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_chebyshev. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_chebyshev_to_ultrasphericalf (const int normcheb, const int normultra, const int n, const float lambda) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_chebyshev_to_ultraspherical. | |
ft_btb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_associated_jacobi_to_jacobif (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const int c, const float alpha, const float beta, const float gamma, const float delta) |
ft_btb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_associated_laguerre_to_laguerref (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const int c, const float alpha, const float beta) |
ft_btb_eigen_FMMf * | ft_plan_associated_hermite_to_hermitef (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const int c) |
ft_modified_planf * | ft_plan_modified_jacobi_to_jacobif (const int n, const float alpha, const float beta, const int nu, const float *u, const int nv, const float *v, const int verbose) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_modified_jacobi_to_jacobi. | |
ft_modified_planf * | ft_plan_modified_laguerre_to_laguerref (const int n, const float alpha, const int nu, const float *u, const int nv, const float *v, const int verbose) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_modified_laguerre_to_laguerre. | |
ft_modified_planf * | ft_plan_modified_hermite_to_hermitef (const int n, const int nu, const float *u, const int nv, const float *v, const int verbose) |
A single precision version of ft_plan_modified_hermite_to_hermite. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_legendre_to_chebyshevl (const int normleg, const int normcheb, const int n) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_legendre_to_chebyshev. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_chebyshev_to_legendrel (const int normcheb, const int normleg, const int n) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_chebyshev_to_legendre. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_ultrasphericall (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const long double lambda, const long double mu) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_ultraspherical. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_jacobi_to_jacobil (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const long double alpha, const long double beta, const long double gamma, const long double delta) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_jacobi_to_jacobi. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_laguerre_to_laguerrel (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const long double alpha, const long double beta) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_laguerre_to_laguerre. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_jacobi_to_ultrasphericall (const int normjac, const int normultra, const int n, const long double alpha, const long double beta, const long double lambda) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_jacobi_to_ultraspherical. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_jacobil (const int normultra, const int normjac, const int n, const long double lambda, const long double alpha, const long double beta) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_jacobi. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_jacobi_to_chebyshevl (const int normjac, const int normcheb, const int n, const long double alpha, const long double beta) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_jacobi_to_chebyshev. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_chebyshev_to_jacobil (const int normcheb, const int normjac, const int n, const long double alpha, const long double beta) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_chebyshev_to_jacobi. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_chebyshevl (const int normultra, const int normcheb, const int n, const long double lambda) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_chebyshev. | |
ft_tb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_chebyshev_to_ultrasphericall (const int normcheb, const int normultra, const int n, const long double lambda) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_chebyshev_to_ultraspherical. | |
ft_btb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_associated_jacobi_to_jacobil (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const int c, const long double alpha, const long double beta, const long double gamma, const long double delta) |
ft_btb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_associated_laguerre_to_laguerrel (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const int c, const long double alpha, const long double beta) |
ft_btb_eigen_FMMl * | ft_plan_associated_hermite_to_hermitel (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, const int c) |
ft_modified_planl * | ft_plan_modified_jacobi_to_jacobil (const int n, const long double alpha, const long double beta, const int nu, const long double *u, const int nv, const long double *v, const int verbose) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_modified_jacobi_to_jacobi. | |
ft_modified_planl * | ft_plan_modified_laguerre_to_laguerrel (const int n, const long double alpha, const int nu, const long double *u, const int nv, const long double *v, const int verbose) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_modified_laguerre_to_laguerre. | |
ft_modified_planl * | ft_plan_modified_hermite_to_hermitel (const int n, const int nu, const long double *u, const int nv, const long double *v, const int verbose) |
A long double precision version of ft_plan_modified_hermite_to_hermite. | |
void | ft_mpfr_destroy_plan (mpfr_t *A, int n) |
void | ft_mpfr_trmv (char TRANS, int n, mpfr_t *A, int LDA, mpfr_t *x, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
void | ft_mpfr_trsv (char TRANS, int n, mpfr_t *A, int LDA, mpfr_t *x, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
void | ft_mpfr_trmm (char TRANS, int n, mpfr_t *A, int LDA, mpfr_t *B, int LDB, int N, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
void | ft_mpfr_trsm (char TRANS, int n, mpfr_t *A, int LDA, mpfr_t *B, int LDB, int N, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
void | ft_mpfr_trmv_ptr (char TRANS, int n, mpfr_t *A, int LDA, mpfr_t **x, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
void | ft_mpfr_trsv_ptr (char TRANS, int n, mpfr_t *A, int LDA, mpfr_t **x, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
void | ft_mpfr_trmm_ptr (char TRANS, int n, mpfr_t *A, int LDA, mpfr_t **B, int LDB, int N, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
void | ft_mpfr_trsm_ptr (char TRANS, int n, mpfr_t *A, int LDA, mpfr_t **B, int LDB, int N, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
mpfr_t * | ft_mpfr_plan_legendre_to_chebyshev (const int normleg, const int normcheb, const int n, mpfr_prec_t prec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
A multi-precision version of ft_plan_legendre_to_chebyshev that returns a dense array of connection coefficients. | |
mpfr_t * | ft_mpfr_plan_chebyshev_to_legendre (const int normcheb, const int normleg, const int n, mpfr_prec_t prec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
A multi-precision version of ft_plan_chebyshev_to_legendre that returns a dense array of connection coefficients. | |
mpfr_t * | ft_mpfr_plan_ultraspherical_to_ultraspherical (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, mpfr_srcptr lambda, mpfr_srcptr mu, mpfr_prec_t prec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
A multi-precision version of ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_ultraspherical that returns a dense array of connection coefficients. | |
mpfr_t * | ft_mpfr_plan_jacobi_to_jacobi (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, mpfr_srcptr alpha, mpfr_srcptr beta, mpfr_srcptr gamma, mpfr_srcptr delta, mpfr_prec_t prec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
A multi-precision version of ft_plan_jacobi_to_jacobi that returns a dense array of connection coefficients. | |
mpfr_t * | ft_mpfr_plan_laguerre_to_laguerre (const int norm1, const int norm2, const int n, mpfr_srcptr alpha, mpfr_srcptr beta, mpfr_prec_t prec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
A multi-precision version of ft_plan_laguerre_to_laguerre that returns a dense array of connection coefficients. | |
mpfr_t * | ft_mpfr_plan_jacobi_to_ultraspherical (const int normjac, const int normultra, const int n, mpfr_srcptr alpha, mpfr_srcptr beta, mpfr_srcptr lambda, mpfr_prec_t prec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
A multi-precision version of ft_plan_jacobi_to_ultraspherical that returns a dense array of connection coefficients. | |
mpfr_t * | ft_mpfr_plan_ultraspherical_to_jacobi (const int normultra, const int normjac, const int n, mpfr_srcptr lambda, mpfr_srcptr alpha, mpfr_srcptr beta, mpfr_prec_t prec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
A multi-precision version of ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_jacobi that returns a dense array of connection coefficients. | |
mpfr_t * | ft_mpfr_plan_jacobi_to_chebyshev (const int normjac, const int normcheb, const int n, mpfr_srcptr alpha, mpfr_srcptr beta, mpfr_prec_t prec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
A multi-precision version of ft_plan_jacobi_to_chebyshev that returns a dense array of connection coefficients. | |
mpfr_t * | ft_mpfr_plan_chebyshev_to_jacobi (const int normcheb, const int normjac, const int n, mpfr_srcptr alpha, mpfr_srcptr beta, mpfr_prec_t prec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
A multi-precision version of ft_plan_chebyshev_to_jacobi that returns a dense array of connection coefficients. | |
mpfr_t * | ft_mpfr_plan_ultraspherical_to_chebyshev (const int normultra, const int normcheb, const int n, mpfr_srcptr lambda, mpfr_prec_t prec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
A multi-precision version of ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_chebyshev that returns a dense array of connection coefficients. | |
mpfr_t * | ft_mpfr_plan_chebyshev_to_ultraspherical (const int normcheb, const int normultra, const int n, mpfr_srcptr lambda, mpfr_prec_t prec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd) |
A multi-precision version of ft_plan_chebyshev_to_ultraspherical that returns a dense array of connection coefficients. | |
void | ft_set_num_threads (const int n) |
Set the number of OpenMP threads. | |
void | ft_destroy_rotation_plan (ft_rotation_plan *RP) |
Destroy a ft_rotation_plan. | |
ft_rotation_plan * | ft_plan_rotsphere (const int n) |
void | ft_kernel_sph_hi2lo (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, const int m1, const int m2, double *A, const int S) |
Convert a single vector of spherical harmonic coefficients in A with stride S from order m2 down to order m1. | |
void | ft_kernel_sph_lo2hi (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, const int m1, const int m2, double *A, const int S) |
Convert a single vector of spherical harmonic coefficients in A with stride S from order m1 up to order m2. | |
ft_rotation_plan * | ft_plan_rottriangle (const int n, const double alpha, const double beta, const double gamma) |
void | ft_kernel_tri_hi2lo (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, const int m1, const int m2, double *A, const int S) |
Convert a single vector of triangular harmonic coefficients in A with stride S from order m2 down to order m1. | |
void | ft_kernel_tri_lo2hi (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, const int m1, const int m2, double *A, const int S) |
Convert a single vector of triangular harmonic coefficients in A with stride S from order m1 up to order m2. | |
ft_rotation_plan * | ft_plan_rotdisk (const int n, const double alpha, const double beta) |
ft_rotation_plan * | ft_plan_rotannulus (const int n, const double alpha, const double beta, const double gamma, const double rho) |
void | ft_kernel_disk_hi2lo (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, const int m1, const int m2, double *A, const int S) |
Convert a single vector of disk harmonic coefficients in A with stride S from order m2 down to order m1. | |
void | ft_kernel_disk_lo2hi (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, const int m1, const int m2, double *A, const int S) |
Convert a single vector of disk harmonic coefficients in A with stride S from order m1 up to order m2. | |
ft_rotation_plan * | ft_plan_rotrectdisk (const int n, const double beta) |
void | ft_kernel_rectdisk_hi2lo (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, const int m1, const int m2, double *A, const int S) |
Convert a single vector of rectangularized disk harmonic coefficients in A with stride S from order m2 down to order m1. | |
void | ft_kernel_rectdisk_lo2hi (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, const int m1, const int m2, double *A, const int S) |
Convert a single vector of rectangularized disk harmonic coefficients in A with stride S from order m1 up to order m2. | |
void | ft_kernel_tet_hi2lo (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, const int L, const int m, double *A) |
void | ft_kernel_tet_lo2hi (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, const int L, const int m, double *A) |
void | ft_destroy_spin_rotation_plan (ft_spin_rotation_plan *SRP) |
Destroy a ft_spin_rotation_plan. | |
ft_spin_rotation_plan * | ft_plan_rotspinsphere (const int n, const int s) |
void | ft_kernel_spinsph_hi2lo (const ft_spin_rotation_plan *SRP, const int m, ft_complex *A, const int S) |
Convert a single vector of spin-weighted spherical harmonic coefficients in A with stride S from order m down to order m%2. | |
void | ft_kernel_spinsph_lo2hi (const ft_spin_rotation_plan *SRP, const int m, ft_complex *A, const int S) |
Convert a single vector of spin-weighted spherical harmonic coefficients in A with stride S from order m%2 up to order m. | |
void | ft_execute_sph_hi2lo (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, double *A, double *B, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_sph_lo2hi (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, double *A, double *B, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_sphv_hi2lo (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, double *A, double *B, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_sphv_lo2hi (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, double *A, double *B, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_tri_hi2lo (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, double *A, double *B, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_tri_lo2hi (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, double *A, double *B, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_disk_hi2lo (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, double *A, double *B, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_disk_lo2hi (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, double *A, double *B, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_rectdisk_hi2lo (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, double *A, double *B, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_rectdisk_lo2hi (const ft_rotation_plan *RP, double *A, double *B, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_tet_hi2lo (const ft_rotation_plan *RP1, const ft_rotation_plan *RP2, double *A, const int L, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_tet_lo2hi (const ft_rotation_plan *RP1, const ft_rotation_plan *RP2, double *A, const int L, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_spinsph_hi2lo (const ft_spin_rotation_plan *SRP, ft_complex *A, ft_complex *B, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_spinsph_lo2hi (const ft_spin_rotation_plan *SRP, ft_complex *A, ft_complex *B, const int M) |
void | ft_destroy_harmonic_plan (ft_harmonic_plan *P) |
Destroy a ft_harmonic_plan. | |
ft_harmonic_plan * | ft_plan_sph2fourier (const int n) |
Plan a spherical harmonic transform. | |
void | ft_execute_sph2fourier (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform a spherical harmonic expansion to a bivariate Fourier series. | |
void | ft_execute_fourier2sph (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform a bivariate Fourier series to a spherical harmonic expansion. | |
void | ft_execute_sphv2fourier (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_fourier2sphv (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
ft_harmonic_plan * | ft_plan_tri2cheb (const int n, const double alpha, const double beta, const double gamma) |
Plan a triangular harmonic transform. | |
void | ft_execute_tri2cheb (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform a triangular harmonic expansion to a bivariate Chebyshev series. | |
void | ft_execute_cheb2tri (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform a bivariate Chebyshev series to a triangular harmonic expansion. | |
ft_harmonic_plan * | ft_plan_disk2cxf (const int n, const double alpha, const double beta) |
Plan a disk harmonic transform. | |
void | ft_execute_disk2cxf (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform a disk harmonic expansion to a Chebyshev–Fourier series. | |
void | ft_execute_cxf2disk (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform a Chebyshev–Fourier series to a disk harmonic expansion. | |
ft_harmonic_plan * | ft_plan_ann2cxf (const int n, const double alpha, const double beta, const double gamma, const double rho) |
Plan an annulus harmonic transform. | |
void | ft_execute_ann2cxf (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform an annulus harmonic expansion to a Chebyshev–Fourier series. | |
void | ft_execute_cxf2ann (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform a Chebyshev–Fourier series to an annulus harmonic expansion. | |
ft_harmonic_plan * | ft_plan_rectdisk2cheb (const int n, const double beta) |
Plan a rectangularized disk harmonic transform. | |
void | ft_execute_rectdisk2cheb (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform a rectangularized disk harmonic expansion to a Chebyshev series. | |
void | ft_execute_cheb2rectdisk (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform a Chebyshev series to a rectangularized disk harmonic expansion. | |
ft_harmonic_plan * | ft_plan_tet2cheb (const int n, const double alpha, const double beta, const double gamma, const double delta) |
Plan a tetrahedral harmonic transform. | |
void | ft_execute_tet2cheb (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int L, const int M) |
Transform a tetrahedral harmonic expansion to a trivariate Chebyshev series. | |
void | ft_execute_cheb2tet (const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int L, const int M) |
Transform a trivariate Chebyshev series to a tetrahedral harmonic expansion. | |
void | ft_destroy_spin_harmonic_plan (ft_spin_harmonic_plan *P) |
Destroy a ft_spin_harmonic_plan. | |
ft_spin_harmonic_plan * | ft_plan_spinsph2fourier (const int n, const int s) |
Plan a spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform. | |
void | ft_execute_spinsph2fourier (const char TRANS, const ft_spin_harmonic_plan *P, ft_complex *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform a spin-weighted spherical harmonic expansion to a bivariate Fourier series. | |
void | ft_execute_fourier2spinsph (const char TRANS, const ft_spin_harmonic_plan *P, ft_complex *A, const int N, const int M) |
Transform a bivariate Fourier series to a spin-weighted spherical harmonic expansion. | |
int | ft_fftw_init_threads (void) |
void | ft_fftw_plan_with_nthreads (const int n) |
void | ft_destroy_sphere_fftw_plan (ft_sphere_fftw_plan *P) |
Destroy a ft_sphere_fftw_plan. | |
ft_sphere_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_sph_with_kind (const int N, const int M, const fftw_r2r_kind kind[3][1], const unsigned flags) |
ft_sphere_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_sph_synthesis (const int N, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW synthesis on the sphere. | |
ft_sphere_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_sph_analysis (const int N, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW analysis on the sphere. | |
ft_sphere_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_sphv_synthesis (const int N, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
ft_sphere_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_sphv_analysis (const int N, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
void | ft_execute_sph_synthesis (const char TRANS, const ft_sphere_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW synthesis on the sphere. | |
void | ft_execute_sph_analysis (const char TRANS, const ft_sphere_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW analysis on the sphere. | |
void | ft_execute_sphv_synthesis (const char TRANS, const ft_sphere_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_sphv_analysis (const char TRANS, const ft_sphere_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
void | ft_destroy_triangle_fftw_plan (ft_triangle_fftw_plan *P) |
Destroy a ft_triangle_fftw_plan. | |
ft_triangle_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_tri_with_kind (const int N, const int M, const fftw_r2r_kind kind0, const fftw_r2r_kind kind1, const unsigned flags) |
ft_triangle_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_tri_synthesis (const int N, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW synthesis on the triangle. | |
ft_triangle_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_tri_analysis (const int N, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW analysis on the triangle. | |
void | ft_execute_tri_synthesis (const char TRANS, const ft_triangle_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW synthesis on the triangle. | |
void | ft_execute_tri_analysis (const char TRANS, const ft_triangle_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW analysis on the triangle. | |
void | ft_destroy_tetrahedron_fftw_plan (ft_tetrahedron_fftw_plan *P) |
ft_tetrahedron_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_tet_with_kind (const int N, const int L, const int M, const fftw_r2r_kind kind0, const fftw_r2r_kind kind1, const fftw_r2r_kind kind2, const unsigned flags) |
ft_tetrahedron_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_tet_synthesis (const int N, const int L, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
ft_tetrahedron_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_tet_analysis (const int N, const int L, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
void | ft_execute_tet_synthesis (const char TRANS, const ft_tetrahedron_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int L, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_tet_analysis (const char TRANS, const ft_tetrahedron_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int L, const int M) |
void | ft_destroy_disk_fftw_plan (ft_disk_fftw_plan *P) |
Destroy a ft_disk_fftw_plan. | |
ft_disk_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_disk_with_kind (const int N, const int M, const fftw_r2r_kind kind[3][1], const unsigned flags) |
ft_disk_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_disk_synthesis (const int N, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW synthesis on the disk. | |
ft_disk_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_disk_analysis (const int N, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW analysis on the disk. | |
void | ft_execute_disk_synthesis (const char TRANS, const ft_disk_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW synthesis on the disk. | |
void | ft_execute_disk_analysis (const char TRANS, const ft_disk_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW analysis on the disk. | |
void | ft_destroy_annulus_fftw_plan (ft_annulus_fftw_plan *P) |
Destroy a ft_annulus_fftw_plan. | |
double | ft_get_rho_annulus_fftw_plan (ft_annulus_fftw_plan *P) |
ft_annulus_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_annulus_with_kind (const int N, const int M, const double rho, const fftw_r2r_kind kind[3][1], const unsigned flags) |
ft_annulus_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_annulus_synthesis (const int N, const int M, const double rho, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW synthesis on the annulus. | |
ft_annulus_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_annulus_analysis (const int N, const int M, const double rho, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW analysis on the annulus. | |
void | ft_execute_annulus_synthesis (const char TRANS, const ft_annulus_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW synthesis on the annulus. | |
void | ft_execute_annulus_analysis (const char TRANS, const ft_annulus_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW analysis on the annulus. | |
void | ft_destroy_rectdisk_fftw_plan (ft_rectdisk_fftw_plan *P) |
Destroy a ft_rectdisk_fftw_plan. | |
ft_rectdisk_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_rectdisk_with_kind (const int N, const int M, const fftw_r2r_kind kind[3][1], const unsigned flags) |
ft_rectdisk_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_rectdisk_synthesis (const int N, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW synthesis on the rectangularized disk. | |
ft_rectdisk_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_rectdisk_analysis (const int N, const int M, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW analysis on the rectangularized disk. | |
void | ft_execute_rectdisk_synthesis (const char TRANS, const ft_rectdisk_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW synthesis on the rectangularized disk. | |
void | ft_execute_rectdisk_analysis (const char TRANS, const ft_rectdisk_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW analysis on the rectangularized disk. | |
void | ft_destroy_spinsphere_fftw_plan (ft_spinsphere_fftw_plan *P) |
Destroy a ft_spinsphere_fftw_plan. | |
int | ft_get_spin_spinsphere_fftw_plan (const ft_spinsphere_fftw_plan *P) |
ft_spinsphere_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_spinsph_with_kind (const int N, const int M, const int S, const fftw_r2r_kind kind[2][1], const int sign, const unsigned flags) |
ft_spinsphere_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_spinsph_synthesis (const int N, const int M, const int S, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW synthesis on the sphere with spin. | |
ft_spinsphere_fftw_plan * | ft_plan_spinsph_analysis (const int N, const int M, const int S, const unsigned flags) |
Plan FFTW analysis on the sphere with spin. | |
void | ft_execute_spinsph_synthesis (const char TRANS, const ft_spinsphere_fftw_plan *P, ft_complex *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW synthesis on the sphere with spin. | |
void | ft_execute_spinsph_analysis (const char TRANS, const ft_spinsphere_fftw_plan *P, ft_complex *X, const int N, const int M) |
Execute FFTW analysis on the sphere with spin. | |
void | ft_destroy_gradient_plan (ft_gradient_plan *P) |
ft_gradient_plan * | ft_plan_sph_gradient (const int n) |
void | ft_execute_sph_gradient (ft_gradient_plan *P, double *U, double *Ut, double *Up, const int N, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_sph_curl (ft_gradient_plan *P, double *U, double *Ut, double *Up, const int N, const int M) |
void | ft_destroy_helmholtzhodge_plan (ft_helmholtzhodge_plan *P) |
ft_helmholtzhodge_plan * | ft_plan_sph_helmholtzhodge (const int n) |
void | ft_execute_sph_helmholtzhodge (ft_helmholtzhodge_plan *P, double *U1, double *U2, double *V1, double *V2, const int N, const int M) |
ft_ZYZR | ft_create_ZYZR (ft_orthogonal_transformation Q) |
void | ft_apply_ZYZR (ft_ZYZR Q, ft_orthogonal_transformation *U) |
void | ft_apply_reflection (ft_reflection Q, ft_orthogonal_transformation *U) |
void | ft_execute_sph_polar_rotation (double *A, const int N, const int M, double s, double c) |
void | ft_execute_sph_polar_reflection (double *A, const int N, const int M) |
void | ft_destroy_partial_sph_isometry_plan (ft_partial_sph_isometry_plan *F) |
void | ft_destroy_sph_isometry_plan (ft_sph_isometry_plan *F) |
ft_partial_sph_isometry_plan * | ft_plan_partial_sph_isometry (const int l) |
ft_sph_isometry_plan * | ft_plan_sph_isometry (const int n) |
void | ft_execute_sph_yz_axis_exchange (ft_sph_isometry_plan *J, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_sph_isometry (ft_sph_isometry_plan *J, ft_ZYZR Q, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_sph_rotation (ft_sph_isometry_plan *J, const double alpha, const double beta, const double gamma, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_sph_reflection (ft_sph_isometry_plan *J, ft_reflection W, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
void | ft_execute_sph_orthogonal_transformation (ft_sph_isometry_plan *J, ft_orthogonal_transformation Q, double *A, const int N, const int M) |
fasttransforms.h is the main header file for FastTransforms.
#define FT_CONCAT | ( | prefix, | |
name, | |||
suffix ) |
#define FT_GET_MAX_THREADS | ( | ) |
#define FT_GET_NUM_THREADS | ( | ) |
#define FT_GET_THREAD_NUM | ( | ) |
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * ft_plan_chebyshev_to_jacobi | ( | const int | normcheb, |
const int | normjac, | ||
const int | n, | ||
const double | alpha, | ||
const double | beta ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Chebyshev and Jacobi polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions:
\[ \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Chebyshev}} T_\ell(x) = \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Jacobi}} P_\ell^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x). \]
and normjac
govern the normalizations, either standard ( == 0) or orthonormalized ( == 1).
See also ft_plan_chebyshev_to_jacobif, ft_plan_chebyshev_to_jacobil, and ft_mpfr_plan_chebyshev_to_jacobi.
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * ft_plan_chebyshev_to_legendre | ( | const int | normcheb, |
const int | normleg, | ||
const int | n ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Chebyshev and Legendre polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions:
\[ \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Chebyshev}} T_\ell(x) = \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Legendre}} P_\ell(x). \]
and normleg
govern the normalizations, either standard ( == 0) or orthonormalized ( == 1).
See also ft_plan_chebyshev_to_legendref, ft_plan_chebyshev_to_legendrel, and ft_mpfr_plan_chebyshev_to_legendre.
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * ft_plan_chebyshev_to_ultraspherical | ( | const int | normcheb, |
const int | normultra, | ||
const int | n, | ||
const double | lambda ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Chebyshev and ultraspherical polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions:
\[ \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Chebyshev}} T_\ell(x) = \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{ultraspherical}} C_\ell^{(\lambda)}(x). \]
and normultra
govern the normalizations, either standard ( == 0) or orthonormalized ( == 1).
See also ft_plan_chebyshev_to_ultrasphericalf, ft_plan_chebyshev_to_ultrasphericall, and ft_mpfr_plan_chebyshev_to_ultraspherical.
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * ft_plan_jacobi_to_chebyshev | ( | const int | normjac, |
const int | normcheb, | ||
const int | n, | ||
const double | alpha, | ||
const double | beta ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Jacobi and Chebyshev polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions:
\[ \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Jacobi}} P_\ell^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x) = \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Chebyshev}} T_\ell(x). \]
and normcheb
govern the normalizations, either standard ( == 0) or orthonormalized ( == 1).
See also ft_plan_jacobi_to_chebyshevf, ft_plan_jacobi_to_chebyshevl, and ft_mpfr_plan_jacobi_to_chebyshev.
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * ft_plan_jacobi_to_jacobi | ( | const int | norm1, |
const int | norm2, | ||
const int | n, | ||
const double | alpha, | ||
const double | beta, | ||
const double | gamma, | ||
const double | delta ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Jacobi polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions:
\[ \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{(1)} P_\ell^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x) = \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{(2)} P_\ell^{(\gamma,\delta)}(x). \]
and norm2
govern the normalizations, either standard ( == 0) or orthonormalized ( == 1).
See also ft_plan_jacobi_to_jacobif, ft_plan_jacobi_to_jacobil, and ft_mpfr_plan_jacobi_to_jacobi.
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * ft_plan_jacobi_to_ultraspherical | ( | const int | normjac, |
const int | normultra, | ||
const int | n, | ||
const double | alpha, | ||
const double | beta, | ||
const double | lambda ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Jacobi and ultraspherical polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions:
\[ \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Jacobi}} P_\ell^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x) = \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{ultraspherical}} C_\ell^{(\lambda)}(x). \]
and normultra
govern the normalizations, either standard ( == 0) or orthonormalized ( == 1).
See also ft_plan_jacobi_to_ultrasphericalf, ft_plan_jacobi_to_ultrasphericall, and ft_mpfr_plan_jacobi_to_ultraspherical.
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * ft_plan_laguerre_to_laguerre | ( | const int | norm1, |
const int | norm2, | ||
const int | n, | ||
const double | alpha, | ||
const double | beta ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Laguerre polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions:
\[ \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{(1)} L_\ell^{(\alpha)}(x) = \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{(2)} L_\ell^{(\beta)}(x). \]
and norm2
govern the normalizations, either standard ( == 0) or orthonormalized ( == 1).
See also ft_plan_laguerre_to_laguerref, ft_plan_laguerre_to_laguerrel, and ft_mpfr_plan_laguerre_to_laguerre.
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * ft_plan_legendre_to_chebyshev | ( | const int | normleg, |
const int | normcheb, | ||
const int | n ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions:
\[ \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Legendre}} P_\ell(x) = \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Chebyshev}} T_\ell(x). \]
and normcheb
govern the normalizations, either standard ( == 0) or orthonormalized ( == 1).
See also ft_plan_legendre_to_chebyshevf, ft_plan_legendre_to_chebyshevl, and ft_mpfr_plan_legendre_to_chebyshev.
ft_modified_plan * ft_plan_modified_hermite_to_hermite | ( | const int | n, |
const int | nu, | ||
const double * | u, | ||
const int | nv, | ||
const double * | v, | ||
const int | verbose ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between modified Hermite polynomials, orthonormal with respect to a rationally modified weight and orthonormal Hermite polynomials. The rational function is expressed as a ratio of orthonormal Hermite polynomial expansions:
\[ r(x) = \frac{u(x)}{v(x)} = \frac{\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{n_u-1} u_k \tilde{H}_k(x)}{\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{n_v-1} v_k \tilde{H}_k(x)}. \]
If \(n_v \le 1\), then \(r(x)\) is polynomial and the algorithm is direct and faster. See also ft_plan_modified_hermite_to_hermitef and ft_plan_modified_hermite_to_hermitel.
ft_modified_plan * ft_plan_modified_jacobi_to_jacobi | ( | const int | n, |
const double | alpha, | ||
const double | beta, | ||
const int | nu, | ||
const double * | u, | ||
const int | nv, | ||
const double * | v, | ||
const int | verbose ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between modified Jacobi polynomials, orthonormal with respect to a rationally modified weight and orthonormal Jacobi polynomials. The rational function is expressed as a ratio of orthonormal Jacobi polynomial expansions:
\[ r(x) = \frac{u(x)}{v(x)} = \frac{\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{n_u-1} u_k \tilde{P}_k^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x)}{\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{n_v-1} v_k \tilde{P}_k^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x)}. \]
If \(n_v \le 1\), then \(r(x)\) is polynomial and the algorithm is direct and faster. See also ft_plan_modified_jacobi_to_jacobif and ft_plan_modified_jacobi_to_jacobil.
ft_modified_plan * ft_plan_modified_laguerre_to_laguerre | ( | const int | n, |
const double | alpha, | ||
const int | nu, | ||
const double * | u, | ||
const int | nv, | ||
const double * | v, | ||
const int | verbose ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between modified Laguerre polynomials, orthonormal with respect to a rationally modified weight and orthonormal Laguerre polynomials. The rational function is expressed as a ratio of orthonormal Laguerre polynomial expansions:
\[ r(x) = \frac{u(x)}{v(x)} = \frac{\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{n_u-1} u_k \tilde{L}_k^{(\alpha)}(x)}{\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{n_v-1} v_k \tilde{L}_k^{(\alpha)}(x)}. \]
If \(n_v \le 1\), then \(r(x)\) is polynomial and the algorithm is direct and faster. See also ft_plan_modified_laguerre_to_laguerref and ft_plan_modified_laguerre_to_laguerrel.
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_chebyshev | ( | const int | normultra, |
const int | normcheb, | ||
const int | n, | ||
const double | lambda ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between ultraspherical and Chebyshev polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions:
\[ \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{ultraspherical}} C_\ell^{(\lambda)}(x) = \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Chebyshev}} T_\ell(x). \]
and normcheb
govern the normalizations, either standard ( == 0) or orthonormalized ( == 1).
See also ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_chebyshevf, ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_chebyshevl, and ft_mpfr_plan_ultraspherical_to_chebyshev.
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_jacobi | ( | const int | normultra, |
const int | normjac, | ||
const int | n, | ||
const double | lambda, | ||
const double | alpha, | ||
const double | beta ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between ultraspherical and Jacobi polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions:
\[ \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{ultraspherical}} C_\ell^{(\lambda)}(x) = \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{\mathrm{Jacobi}} P_\ell^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x). \]
and normjac
govern the normalizations, either standard ( == 0) or orthonormalized ( == 1).
See also ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_jacobif, ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_jacobil, and ft_mpfr_plan_ultraspherical_to_jacobi.
ft_tb_eigen_FMM * ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_ultraspherical | ( | const int | norm1, |
const int | norm2, | ||
const int | n, | ||
const double | lambda, | ||
const double | mu ) |
Pre-compute a factorization of the connection coefficients between ultraspherical polynomials in double precision so that ft_bfmv converts between expansions:
\[ \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{(1)} C_\ell^{(\lambda)}(x) = \sum_{\ell=0}^{n-1} c_\ell^{(2)} C_\ell^{(\mu)}(x). \]
and norm2
govern the normalizations, either standard ( == 0) or orthonormalized ( == 1).
See also ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_ultrasphericalf, ft_plan_ultraspherical_to_ultrasphericall, and ft_mpfr_plan_ultraspherical_to_ultraspherical.