No Matches

In this example, we explore integration of the function:

\[ f(x,y) = \frac{x^3}{x^2+y^2-\frac{1}{4}}, \]

over the annulus defined by \(\{(r,\theta) : \frac{2}{3} < r < 1, 0 < \theta < 2\pi\}\). We will calculate the integral:

\[ \int_0^{2\pi}\int_{\frac{2}{3}}^1 f(r\cos\theta,r\sin\theta)^2r{\rm\,d}r{\rm\,d}\theta, \]

by analyzing the function in an annulus polynomial series.

#include <fasttransforms.h>
#include <ftutilities.h>
double f(double x, double y) {return (pow(x, 3))/(x*x+y*y-0.25);};
int main(void) {
printf("In this example, we explore square integration of a function over \n");
printf("the annulus with parameter "MAGENTA("ρ = 2/3")". We analyze the function:\n");
printf("\t"MAGENTA("f(x,y) = x³/(x²-y²-1/4)")",\n");
printf("on an "MAGENTA("N×M")" tensor product grid defined by:\n");
printf("\t"MAGENTA("rₙ = √{cos²[(n+1/2)π/4N] + ρ²sin²[(n+1/2)π/4N]}")", for "MAGENTA("0 ≤ n < N")",\n");
printf("\t"MAGENTA("θₘ = 2π m/M")", for "MAGENTA("0 ≤ m < M")";\n");
printf("we convert the function samples to Chebyshev×Fourier coefficients using\n");
printf(CYAN("ft_plan_annulus_analysis")" and "CYAN("ft_execute_annulus_analysis")"; and finally, we transform\n");
printf("the Chebyshev×Fourier coefficients to annulus harmonic coefficients using\n");
printf(CYAN("ft_plan_ann2cxf")" and "CYAN("ft_execute_cxf2ann")".\n");
printf("N.B. for the storage pattern of the printed arrays, please consult the\n");
printf("documentation. (Arrays are stored in column-major ordering.)\n");
char * FMT = "%1.3f";
int N = 8;
int M = 4*N-3;
printf("\n\n"MAGENTA("N = %i")", and "MAGENTA("M = %i")"\n\n", N, M);
double rho = 2.0/3.0;
double r[N], theta[M], F[4*N*N];
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
double t = (N-n-0.5)*M_PI/(2*N);
double ct = sin(t);
double st = cos(t);
r[n] = sqrt(ct*ct+rho*rho*st*st);
for (int m = 0; m < M; m++)
theta[m] = 2.0*M_PI*m/M;
printmat("Radial grid "MAGENTA("r"), FMT, r, N, 1);
printmat("Azimuthal grid "MAGENTA("θ"), FMT, theta, 1, M);
for (int m = 0; m < M; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
F[n+N*m] = f(r[n]*cos(theta[m]), r[n]*sin(theta[m]));
printf("On the tensor product grid, our function samples are:\n\n");
printmat("F", FMT, F, N, M);
double alpha = 0.0, beta = 0.0, gamma = 0.0;
ft_harmonic_plan * P = ft_plan_ann2cxf(N, alpha, beta, gamma, rho);
ft_annulus_fftw_plan * PA = ft_plan_annulus_analysis(N, M, rho, FT_FFTW_FLAGS);
ft_execute_annulus_analysis('N', PA, F, N, M);
ft_execute_cxf2ann('N', P, F, N, M);
printf("Its annulus polynomial coefficients are:\n\n");
printmat("U", FMT, F, N, M);
printf("The annulus polynomial coefficients are useful for integration.\n");
printf("The integral of "MAGENTA("[f(x,y)]^2")" over the annulus is\n");
printf("approximately the square of the 2-norm of the coefficients, \n\t");
double val = pow(ft_norm_1arg(F, N*M), 2);
printf("%1.16f", val);
printf("This compares favourably to the exact result, \n\t");
double tval = 5.0*M_PI/8.0*(1675.0/4536.0+9.0*log(3.0)/32.0-3.0*log(7.0)/32.0);
printf("%1.16f", tval);
printf("The relative error in the integral is %4.2e.\n", fabs(val-tval)/fabs(tval));
printf("This error can be improved upon by increasing "MAGENTA("N")" and "MAGENTA("M")".\n");
return 0;
fasttransforms.h is the main header file for FastTransforms.
void ft_execute_annulus_analysis(const char TRANS, const ft_annulus_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M)
Execute FFTW analysis on the annulus.
void ft_destroy_annulus_fftw_plan(ft_annulus_fftw_plan *P)
Destroy a ft_annulus_fftw_plan.
void ft_destroy_harmonic_plan(ft_harmonic_plan *P)
Destroy a ft_harmonic_plan.
ft_harmonic_plan * ft_plan_ann2cxf(const int n, const double alpha, const double beta, const double gamma, const double rho)
Plan an annulus harmonic transform.
ft_annulus_fftw_plan * ft_plan_annulus_analysis(const int N, const int M, const double rho, const unsigned flags)
Plan FFTW analysis on the annulus.
void ft_execute_cxf2ann(const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M)
Transform a Chebyshev–Fourier series to an annulus harmonic expansion.
Definition fasttransforms.h:549
Data structure to store ft_rotation_plans, arrays to represent 1D orthogonal polynomial transforms an...
Definition fasttransforms.h:371