No Matches

This example confirms numerically that:

\[ f(z) = \frac{P_n(z\cdot y) - P_n(x\cdot y)}{z\cdot y - x\cdot y}, \]

is actually a degree- \(n-1\) polynomial on \(\mathbb{S}^2\), where \(P_n\) is the degree- \(n\) Legendre polynomial, and \(x,y,z \in \mathbb{S}^2\).

#include <fasttransforms.h>
#include <ftutilities.h>
typedef struct {
double x;
double y;
double z;
double dot3(double3 x, double3 y) {return x.x*y.x+x.y*y.y+x.z*y.z;};
void normalize3(double3 * x) {
double nrm = sqrt(dot3(* x, * x));
x->x /= nrm; x->y /= nrm; x->z /= nrm;
double3 z(double theta, double phi) {return (double3) {sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(theta)*sin(phi), cos(theta)};};
int main(void) {
printf("This example confirms numerically that\n");
printf("\t"MAGENTA("[Pₙ(z⋅y) - Pₙ(x⋅y)]/(z⋅y - x⋅y)")",\n");
printf("is actually a degree-(N-1) polynomial on "MAGENTA("𝕊²")", where "MAGENTA("Pₙ")" is the degree-N\n");
printf("Legendre polynomial, and "MAGENTA("x,y,z ∈ 𝕊²")".\n");
printf("To verify, we sample the function on an "MAGENTA("N×M")" tensor product grid\n");
printf("at equispaced points-in-angle defined by:\n");
printf("\t"MAGENTA("θₙ = (n+1/2)π/N")", for "MAGENTA("0 ≤ n < N")",\n");
printf("\t"MAGENTA("φₘ = 2π m/M")", for "MAGENTA("0 ≤ m < M")";\n");
printf("we convert the function samples to Fourier coefficients using\n");
printf(CYAN("ft_plan_sph_analysis")" and "CYAN("ft_execute_sph_analysis")"; and finally, we transform\n");
printf("the Fourier coefficients to spherical harmonic coefficients using\n");
printf(CYAN("ft_plan_sph2fourier")" and "CYAN("ft_execute_fourier2sph")".\n");
printf("In the basis of spherical harmonics, it is plain to see the\n");
printf("addition theorem in action, since "MAGENTA("Pₙ(x⋅y)")" should only consist of\n");
printf("exact-degree-N harmonics.\n");
printf("N.B. for the storage pattern of the printed arrays, please consult the\n");
printf("documentation. (Arrays are stored in column-major ordering.)\n");
char * FMT = "%1.3f";
int N = 5;
int M = 2*N-1;
printf("\n\n"MAGENTA("N = %i")", and "MAGENTA("M = %i")"\n\n", N, M);
double theta[N], phi[M], F[N*M];
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
theta[n] = (n+0.5)*M_PI/N;
for (int m = 0; m < M; m++)
phi[m] = 2.0*M_PI*m/M;
printmat("Colatitudinal grid "MAGENTA("θ"), FMT, theta, N, 1);
printmat("Longitudinal grid "MAGENTA("φ"), FMT, phi, 1, M);
double3 x = {0.0,0.0,1.0};
double3 y = {0.123,0.456,0.789};
printf("Arbitrarily, we place "MAGENTA("x")" at the North pole: "MAGENTA("x = (%1.3f,%1.3f,%1.3f)ᵀ")".\n\n", x.x, x.y, x.z);
printf("Another vector is completely free: "MAGENTA("y = (%1.3f,%1.3f,%1.3f)ᵀ")".\n\n", y.x, y.y, y.z);
printf("Thus "MAGENTA("z ∈ 𝕊²")" is our variable vector.\n\n");
double A[N], B[N], C[N+1], c[N], ones[N*M], pts[N*M];
for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
A[k] = (2*k+1.0)/(k+1.0);
B[k] = 0.0;
C[k] = k/(k+1.0);
c[k] = 0.0;
C[N] = N/(N+1.0);
c[N-1] = 1.0;
for (int m = 0; m < M; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
pts[n+N*m] = dot3(z(theta[n], phi[m]), y);
ones[n+N*m] = 1.0;
ft_orthogonal_polynomial_clenshaw(N, c, 1, A, B, C, N*M, pts, ones, F);
printf("On the tensor product grid, the Legendre polynomial "MAGENTA("Pₙ(z⋅y)")" is:\n\n");
printmat("F", FMT, F, N, M);
ft_sphere_fftw_plan * PA = ft_plan_sph_analysis(N, M, FT_FFTW_FLAGS);
ft_execute_sph_analysis('N', PA, F, N, M);
ft_execute_fourier2sph('N', P, F, N, M);
printf("Its spherical harmonic coefficients demonstrate that it is exact-degree-%i:\n\n", N-1);
printmat("U_{N-1}", FMT, F, N, M);
double xy = dot3(x, y), Pnxy;
ft_orthogonal_polynomial_clenshaw(N, c, 1, A, B, C, 1, &xy, ones, &Pnxy);
ft_orthogonal_polynomial_clenshaw(N, c, 1, A, B, C, N*M, pts, ones, F);
for (int m = 0; m < M; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
F[n+N*m] = (F[n+N*m] - Pnxy)/(dot3(z(theta[n], phi[m]), y) - dot3(x, y));
printf("Similarly, on the tensor product grid, our function samples are:\n\n");
printmat("F", FMT, F, N, M);
ft_execute_sph_analysis('N', PA, F, N, M);
ft_execute_fourier2sph('N', P, F, N, M);
printf("Its spherical harmonic coefficients demonstrate that it is degree-(%i-1):\n\n", N-1);
printmat("U_{N-2}", FMT, F, N, M);
for (int m = 0; m < M; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
pts[n+N*m] = dot3(z(theta[n], phi[m]), x);
ft_orthogonal_polynomial_clenshaw(N, c, 1, A, B, C, N*M, pts, ones, F);
printf("Finally, the Legendre polynomial "MAGENTA("Pₙ(z⋅x)")" is aligned with the grid:\n\n");
printmat("F", FMT, F, N, M);
ft_execute_sph_analysis('N', PA, F, N, M);
ft_execute_fourier2sph('N', P, F, N, M);
printf("It only has one nonnegligible spherical harmonic coefficient.\n");
printf("Can you spot it?\n\n");
printmat("U_{N-1}", FMT, F, N, M);
printf("That nonnegligible coefficient should be approximately "MAGENTA("√(2π/(%i+1/2))")",\n", N-1);
printf("since the convention in this library is to orthonormalize.\n");
return 0;
fasttransforms.h is the main header file for FastTransforms.
void ft_execute_sph_analysis(const char TRANS, const ft_sphere_fftw_plan *P, double *X, const int N, const int M)
Execute FFTW analysis on the sphere.
ft_harmonic_plan * ft_plan_sph2fourier(const int n)
Plan a spherical harmonic transform.
void ft_destroy_harmonic_plan(ft_harmonic_plan *P)
Destroy a ft_harmonic_plan.
ft_sphere_fftw_plan * ft_plan_sph_analysis(const int N, const int M, const unsigned flags)
Plan FFTW analysis on the sphere.
void ft_execute_fourier2sph(const char TRANS, const ft_harmonic_plan *P, double *A, const int N, const int M)
Transform a bivariate Fourier series to a spherical harmonic expansion.
void ft_destroy_sphere_fftw_plan(ft_sphere_fftw_plan *P)
Destroy a ft_sphere_fftw_plan.
Definition additiontheorem.c:4
Data structure to store ft_rotation_plans, arrays to represent 1D orthogonal polynomial transforms an...
Definition fasttransforms.h:371
Definition fasttransforms.h:467